Rep. Jason Crow Statement on the Passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Press Release

Date: Sept. 18, 2020
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Judicial Branch

"Our nation lost one of our greatest heroes and public servants today. My heart breaks as our nation mourns. May Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Rest in Peace, and may our country find a path forward that honors her spirit of justice, equality, and dignity.

"In the days and weeks ahead, every Senator will be called upon to uphold their oath and to show to the American people that there is honor and dignity in their service. Tonight, I called Senator Gardner urging him to honor his obligation to a power higher than rank partisanship. Senator Gardner must commit to the people of Colorado that he will not replace Justice Ginsburg until after inauguration and to play by the rules he created.

"Our democracy cannot survive if we sacrifice the rule of law for political convenience."
